Medical Support

Pain Management

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Eastern Medical Supply LLC is a Durable Medical Equipment provider.
We provide a selection of quality orthopedic medical brace supports for seniors and individuals dealing with daily pain caused by arthritis, surgery, injury and other conditions. Our braces are lightweight, comfortable and convenient to wear. Braces can help increase range of motion, help promote proper bending and lifting and reduce pain while completing daily activities.

We offer support braces for individuals dealing with:
Back Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Wrist Pain, Ankle Pain, Elbow Pain, Neck Pain or Hip Pain
Our goal is to improve the quality of life for individuals and help eliminate the discomfort of daily pain.
Talk to your doctor to see if a medical brace support can help. Most products are covered under your primary insurance provider.

Products offered:

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Back Brace ( Lumbar )

Back support braces provide increased control for patients in need of additional support. These clinically-tested, non-narcotic, non-invasive treatment solutions combines support and direct independent compression to promote effective trunk stability, enabling patients with spinal instability, spinal stenosis or chronic back pain to resume activities of daily living. Universal waist sizes from 25 – 68 inches. Fully adjustable.
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Neck Brace (Cervical)

Designed for patients with herniated discs, mild neck injuries, post-operative support and whiplash. Fully adjustable.
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Hip Bracing (Hip Abduction)

Hip Abduction Orthotics provides stabilization for patients prone to chronic dislocation due to involved post-op hip revision, for anterior or posterior hip dislocation, congenital hip dysphasia or to stabilize spastic, tight adductors secondary to hemiplegia or cerebral palsy. Unisex. Fully adjustable.
New knee brace

Knee Brace (Osteoarthritis Knee Bracing)

For patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or meniscal cartilage displacement. Used to support the knee through the application of a medial- or lateral-directed force in patients with unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis.

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Ankle Brace (Ankle /Foot Support)

A multiligamentous ankle support brace that provides control of the ankle joint between the medial and lateral malleoli while allowing for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Several styles available.
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Wrist Brace (Wrist / Hand Splint)

Wrist hand finger orthosis, without joint(s), with adjustable straps and thumb placement. Provides stability to wrist joint. Various styles.
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Shoulder Brace (Shoulder / Arm Abduction)

For non-surgical or post-op shoulder conditions that require diagnosis-specific arm positioning. Commonly used for shoulder instabilities, muscle and tendon repair and joint reconstruction. Various styles.

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Continous Glucose Monitors (CGM / Diabetic Testing Supplies/ Sensors)

Continuous glucose monitors, (CGM) is a device used for monitoring blood glucose on a continual basis by people with either type I or type II diabetes. A continuous glucose monitor takes a reading on set intervals with a small electrode placed under the skin and held in place by an adhesive. A transmitter attached to the electrode sends data to a separate receiver. Traditional fingerprick testing of blood glucose levels measures the level at a single point in time. CGM use allows trends in blood glucose to be displayed over time. Users must calibrate CGM devices with traditional blood glucose measurements. We offer different types of monitors.

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You may benefit from a medical brace support. Please complete a short survey to see if you qualify: